YAY!!! I finally got the Alevy's wireless network set up, so now I'll be able to add pics to the blog and blog more frequently!
here are just a few pics that I wanted to add when I wrote that first post...
This is a pic of Faith, Ken, Daniela, and I on our outing to lookout mountain.
This is me at Red Rocks amphitheatre.
This is only my second week here, but I've learned soooo much in such a short amount of time that it seems longer. My typical day is waking around 6:40, eating cereal for breakfast, catching a 7:32 bus from our house to the Sherman center (a 45 minute ride)getting to the Sherman center and starting the UWP day.
8:30 Morning meeting- opens the day, gives announcements and reminders as well as informs you of the rest of the day's activities.
9:00 Workshop- blocking, vocals, dancing or a lecture/activity on various subjects (today we had blocking from 9:00-12:00 AAAHHHH!!!!)
12:00 lunch- I don't really think I need to explain this... but the food here is very iffy
1:00 More Workshop- same as morning workshops, today was vocals
3:00 Break- a little time to change, eat, or socialize
3:15 Cast Movement- the exercise time from hell, jk, but it really is pretty exhausting, two hours of constant dancing, with one two minute break for water (sometimes...)
5:15 Wrap up- more announcements, a time to , wow, wrap up the day
5:30 Host Pick Up- some people's family's come to pick them up, we ride a 5:32 bus home, another 45 minute ride,
Once we get home, Faith generally has dinner prepared and ready to eat (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!), at this point, you are hungry enough to eat a whole Buffalo, well, not quite, but close! I then take a shower go to bed around 9-9:30 and get up the next day to do it all again.
This crazy schedule would be responsible for my lack of updates here, so I'll try to do better, but we have really full days.
A Few More Cool Notes:
I now have a language buddy! this means that I help someone who doesn't speak English as their first language, making sure that they understand all instructions, announcements, and anything else that confuses them. My buddy is Victor from Brazil, who is barely fluent, but I'm so happy to help him get better! This presents a challenge however, like this morning, trying to explain what a cinnamon bun is when I don't speak Portuguese and don't have one handy to show him, I never could describe it in a way he would understand... I'll have to take him one tomorrow...
I finally read Twilight by Stephanie Meyer! (45 minutes on the bus each way, each day makes for lots of reading time..) the book was awesome and I definitely recommend it.
Well, I love you all and hope you enjoy reading my updates!
1 comment:
YEAH!!! I LOVED your update and "especially" the Pictures! I love you!!! Keep up the Good Work! Nana
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