Aberdeen was "immigration week", so we played the Up With People Land immigration game. In this game all of the members of the cast were given a passport with a random assigned level of citizenship. There were citizens, legal aliens, migrant workers, refugees, asylum seekers, and illegal immigrants. There were also "special roles" such as border patrol, mayor, Justice of the peace, and others. I was part of the Border Patrol, and my job was to make sure that no one was in the wrong place. All week citizens got too eat first, get on the bus first, and even go to the bathroom first, the priority of rights was the same order that I listed the levels above. It was interesting all week to see how people were treated differently by what level they were, and for those in the lower tiers to experience what it was like for these people in real life. I feel bad now for people who have the job of enforcing the law, because nobody respects what they are trying to do.
Other than UWPL, I was again with nuns as my host family, and this time, I was actually in a convent. I was staying with the Presentation Sisters, who are over 40 strong in Aberdeen, I only got to know about five of them, but it was a really good experience.

Also this week was Halloween, so the cast had a Halloween party. There were six other girls staying in the convent, so we went as a group as the seven deadly sins. It was lots of fun and I'm glad that we had the chance to have the cast party. In this picture from left to write is Luara Lynn as Greed, me as Envy, Shawna as Lust, Cheryssa as Pride, Riikka as Wrath, Sarah as Gluttony, and down front is Milou as Sloth with our ribbon for winning the group costume contest.
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